Trending Designs

Explore Quilters Garage for the latest in quilting trends and timeless designs that weave warmth and style into every stitch.

Longarm Quilting Pantographs

Elevate your quilting experience with our precise and intricate longarm quilting pantographs. Discover seamless craftsmanship at Quilters Garage.

Longarm Quilting Pantographs

how to design quilting

Learn the art of quilt design with expert guidance at Quilters Garage.

  • Select your choice of longarm quilting 100styles and colors
  • Upload a photo or design, or select one of our million free desings
  • Add text to truly personlize your longarm quilting

have many questions?

Question 1

How do I choose the right quilting design for my project?


At Quilters Garage, our experts can guide you based on your preferences and project requirements. We offer a range of designs, from traditional to modern.

Question 2

Can I request custom quilting services?


Absolutely! Quilters Garage specializes in custom quilting. Share your ideas, and our skilled team will bring your vision to life with precision and care.

Question 3

What makes longarm quilting pantographs special?


Our longarm quilting pantographs at Quilters Garage offer intricate and uniform designs, ensuring professional-grade results. Experience precision and artistry in every stitch.
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